Edinburgh Birth and Baby- Supporting New and Prospective Parents

What is Edinburgh Birth and Baby?

EBB is a collective of professionals in Edinburgh who have come together to provide the highest quality of support advice and focussed services to new parents on a range of areas including: first aid, birth preparation antenatal classes and support, doula support, counselling, massage, chiropractic advice, hypno-birthing, photography, pilates and of course employment law.

What do Edinburgh Birth and Baby do?

They connect qualified professionals to new parents and provide easily accessible advice and support via their social media community. They host regular events and produce factsheets which can be downloaded from their website, and create regular 'Friday Fact' and information videos on their parenting YouTube channel.

Where can I find out more?

EBB have a very active Facebook page and there is also a website with more information.

What about Ergo Law's involvement?

We are EBB's dedicated employment law adviser. We give advice on how paternity leave works and provide further support via their Facebook page and factsheets and we participate in relevant events held by EBB. Have a look at our Friday Fact video on paternity leave.